Mr J Russell
RE Subject Lead
Mrs J Roddy
Prayer & Liturgy Lead
Mrs S Schofield
RE Team Member
Religious Education is central to school life and is taught as a core subject. Each class fulfils the diocesan requirement of 10% of curriculum time to be dedicated to the subject and we follow the diocesan recommended scheme of ‘Come and See’. RE isn’t simply a lesson on our class timetables, it is a thread which is woven through everything we do at St. Herbert’s. We encourage creativity, challenge and deep thinking around our core beliefs.
Living out our Mission is given a big focus at St, Herbert’s. Our mission holds a special place at the very core of our school, it is simple but lived out. It is regularly explored and known by all. It is, ‘Strong in Faith, Hope and Love for The Common Good.’ As in St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, we value faith, hope and love and want these virtues to be experienced and shared by all. We also understand the need to look after our world and God’s people. Some of the ways we live out our mission include:
Masses, reflections, prayers and worship
Charitable causes
Personalised learning
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Topic based learning
Super learning days and topic days
Year 6 Residential
A fun approach to school life
Special Visitors
Music Tuition
Sports teams
R.E Cycle of Work
(2022 / 2023 - Cycle B, 2023 / 24 - Cycle A, 2024 / 25 - Cycle B)